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Deep Space Nine

Originally built by the Cardassians in 2351 (and called Terok Nor), it was used as a mining station, using Bajoran slave labor.  They stripped the planet Bajor of any mining value in their efforts here.  In 2369, the Cardassians relinquished control of the station to Starfleet.  It was requested by the Bajoran provisional government that Starfleet take the station.  DS9 has become the center of commercial, scientific and strategic importance with the discovery of the first stable wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.

More recently, it had become a major tip on the balance of power when the Dominion fleets emerged from the wormhole to invade the Alpha Quadrant.  It was Starfleet's major base of operations in the sector, and was at one point retaken by Cardassian troops.  

Months later, a massive battle was won by Starfleet and pushed the Cardassians off the station, and Starfleet settled in again.  

Overall Station

Station Diameter - 772 m
Docking Pylons   - 254 m
Station Height      - 508 m
Secondary Arm   -    44 m

Habitat Ring

Height - 772 m
Width  - 254 m

Defense Sail Towers

Upper / Lower Height - 100m

Runabout Bay

   Number  -  6
   Height    -   8m
   Width     -   3m
   Length   - 28m

Main Core

Overall Height  - 194 m
Diameter           - 156 m


  Height - 11 m
  Diameter - 80 m
  Lower Level Circumference - 251.2 m

Reactor Core

Height      - 56 m
Diameter - 78 m

Station Complement

 Approximately - 300

Station Defenses

Photon Torpedoes - 5000
Phaser Banks          -     24


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