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Fan Fiction
I know how fun it is to get involved with the Star Trek phenom by wanting to include yourself in a Trek story.  I have been writing them myself for years.  Of course the story and story lines have changed many times over the years, I have finally perfected them.  And nobody writes to put them on a shelf to collect dust -- they want others to read them as well.  So, please feel free to submit your Star Trek stories to me and they will be published here on this site.  Email me at Trek Writer  with your story, crew roster, ship designs, or whatever else you'd like me to add to this site.

I've taken the liberty of starting this by uploading my own stories.  I currently have 5 different series running.  Click on the links below to view any one of the 5 series.  I'm sure you'll love any one of them!

Note:  It may take a little while to download the stories, and due to system requirements, you may have to press "Refresh" once or twice, but they are there.  Enjoy!
