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Multipurpose scientific and technical instrument.  Developed for Starfleet, the tricorder incorporated sensors, computers, and recorders in a convenient, portable form.  Several models of tricorders have been used by starship crews over the years.  All of the have featured state-of-the-art sensing technology, and have been an essential part of starship missions and operations.  Jadzia Dax was particularly fond of the classic design style of the 23rd century tricorder, and she used to own one herself ("Trials and Trbibulations" [DS9]).  Specialized tricorders are available for specific engineering, scientific, and medical applications.  In 2366, standard issue Starfleet tricorders were unable to detect subspace phenomenon ("The Bonding" [TNG]).  They were also incable of sensing neutrino emissions. ("The Enemy" [TNG]).  The presence of thoron particles could interfere with a tricorder scan.  The Maquis used to evade tricorder searches by using portable thoron generators ("Basics, Part II" [VGR]).  

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