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                Used in the 23rd century, circa 2271                                        Wrist communicator
                   Insignia Communicator, circa 2364.                      Insignia Combadge, circa 2371.

Personal communications device.  Originally of a hand held quality, and then wrist communicator, finally evolved into the Starfleet emblem worn on uniforms.   Combadges are capable of broadcasting a subspace beacon.  They are programmed to activate automatically when the casing is destroyed, a feature designed to help rescuers locate a seriously injured person.    Communicators provide voice transmission from a planetary surface to an orbiting spacecraft, and between members of a landing party.  Communicators also provided a means for a ships transporter system to determine the exact coordinates of a crew member for transport back to the ship.  They have a dermal sensor that can be used to restrict usage to one authorized individual only.  The device itself is constructed of a crystalline composite of silicon, beryllium, carbon-70, and gold.

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